Monday, March 7, 2011

Welcome To My Real Estate World

Long an active participant in the real estate world, I have been fascinated with investment and commercial real estate blogs and websites and their usefulness to report news, or comment on the industry in a timely fashion. More than timely, they are immediately available to us.

This blog is something that I have been kicking around for a while.  More inspiration came from a fellow associate who gave me the kick in the fanny that I needed to get started.  Like anyone, I’ve got a lot of ideas. My views are my own. Sometimes I’ll link to interesting posts from others.

The purpose of this blog is to provide information and discussion on a wide variety of investment and commercial real estate subjects. It is targeted to investors, owners, tenants and anyone having an interest in commercial real estate.

A wide variety of topics will be discussed. Some examples of future topics are:
 Current industry news and economic outlook,
 Building your wealth through real estate investment,
 Self-directed IRAs and pension funds,
 How to improve investment performance,
 Factors to consider in buying or leasing,
 Real estate development,
 Funding sources and arrangements,
 Site selection and marketplace analysis,
 Asset and property management and
 Many other topics of interest.

I welcome your discussion, questions and topic suggestions and look forward to sharing our Realty Investment World with you. 

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