Friday, March 11, 2011

Are You Tax Sheltering Your Wealth?

Well it is again that time of year . . tax season.  Hopefully you don't have any surprises and have to pay more taxes than anticipated.

Fortunately, excellent tax shelter options are available as we generate our investment income and wealth.  As you may already know, real estate investment is considered by many economists, despite the ups and downs in the economy, to be the best way to generate wealth. 

We are in interesting economic time of change and must be prepared for whatever develops. I am an optimist and see some hope with new leaders emerging, who are trying to curtail the excessive government spending and involvement in our lives.  Unfortunately, full recovery of our economy will take a few more years. Meanwhile, we need to keep vigilant on how best to maintain and grown our investments.

Over the next week we will discuss tax sheltering our wealth in the following blog sessions:
·         Benefit of real estate versus Wall Street investment;
·         How much wealth do you need to retire at age 65;
·         Self-directed pension plan opportunities; and
·         Other tax shelter alternatives

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